Board Management

Board Transition 

Onboarding Manual

Utilize the sample Chapter Annual Checklist to help manage chapter to-dos.

  • Send the new board list to ensuring all email addresses are current and working. 
  • This will confirm access of all board members to the CLRA
  • This will provide access to monthly reports
  • Pass down all usernames and passwords to relevant officers
  • Determine if any additional email addresses are needed
    • Each additional email address costs $15 per year 
    • Notify your chapter manager the name of the email address you are requesting
  • Contact to update the Board group email list
    • This is at no cost to the chapter
  • Add updated Board and Chapter documents to document repository
  • Review website and social media sites to ensure everything is up to date, including new board members information

Board Retreat Leadership Resources

HIMSS highly encourages chapters to host an annual Strategic Chapter Board Retreat. Board Retreats are different than Board Meetings and should be focused on strategic planning and team building. Below find tools and resources to help your chapter prepare for a successful new year.

Personality Assessments

Additional Resources