Member Resources


The two keys to member recruitment and retention are value and engagement.  The below tools and resources created by the HIMSS Membership Team can help you recruit and retain the best chapter members.

Individuals join HIMSS to…

  • Receive training and professional development
  • Take part in industry networking
  • Obtain timely information about the field
  • Create and disseminate standards of practice

The main reason individuals do not renew their membership is that they can no longer justify the value of paying dues for what they are receiving in exchange.  Value is realized by highly engaged members.   To be engaged in the chapter a member is seeking personal benefits and benefits to the greater good. 

The top tips to engage members involve making a personal connection and showing individuals that they belong in the chapter. 

  • Develop “low” level engagement points
    • Make your website a go-to place for industry news
    • Follow up on education events
      • Survey
      • Calls to non-member attendees
    • Acknowledge members
      • Create a welcome “new member” section on your website
      • Celebrate member anniversaries
      • Highlight members who have been in the news
      • Welcome call/e-mail within 30 days of joining
      • Reach out during expiration grace period
      • Send Thank you /Holiday/Birthday cards
      • Highlight chapter achievements
      • Ask for feedback on how to improve and further engage
    • Develop ad hoc volunteer opportunities
      • Community service days
    • Member testimonials
      • Committees and Advisory panels
      • Reviewers/Speakers
      • Mentor program
    • Survey members 
    • Stay in close communication with HIMSS National
      • Stay abreast of national activities and HIMSS communications

Tools and Resources

We understand that as a HIMSS chapter leader your time is both voluntary and limited – the documents in this kit are intended to help to save you time while working to reach your membership goals.

This resource is an ideas generator – by no means can we build a “one size fits all” model for guaranteed membership growth. The reasons that go into joining and maintaining a professional membership are diverse but sometimes overlapping.  We appreciate your collaboration and efforts for growing your chapter and HIMSS.

Organizational Affiliate

The Organizational Affiliate programs are designed to help healthcare providers and academic organizations offer their staff and students all of the resources they need to succeed at their jobs and in the industry. Organizations can save money, save time, and become better equipped for success with these benefits:

  • free individual memberships
  • complimentary education
  • access to tools, resources & research
  • enhanced networking opportunities
  • complimentary HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition registrations


Chapter presidents and membership chairs receive an email from Kathy Shaw, Director, Healthcare Organizational Services, when an OA in the chapter’s territory joins, is not planning to renew, or if there is a client merger.

Outreach Templates

Benefits Overview

OA Resources:

The list of the Organizational Affiliates within your chapter's territory and the HIMSS primary contact informaton is available. Email your chapter manager for the most recent list. 

Corporate Membership

The HIMSS Corporate Membership is designed to support and serve healthcare market suppliers and service providers; offering your team all of the resources they need to succeed at their jobs and in the industry. Organizations can save money, save time, and become better equipped for success with these benefits:

  • complimentary education
  • enhanced networking opportunities
  • access to tools, resources & research
  • preferred pricing on brand and marketing exposure
  • free individual memberships (includes Chapter membership)
  • discounted HIMSS Global Conference & Exhibition registrations and exhibit space

Corporate Member Resources:

Corporate Member Benefits

HIMSS Corporate Membership Directory

HIMSS Corporate Membership Application


For more information, visit or contact the HIMSS Sales Team.


Membership Paid By Chapter

Interested in paying for HIMSS memberships? Please use the spreadsheet template and send it to to be processed.